مُحب التعمق في هذا الموضوع قد يجد فائدة مما يكتبه الغرب عن موضوع العائلة الممتدة في السعودية

The Role of the Extended Family in Saudi Arabia
by David E. Long

Executive Summary

Despite the furious pace of change and modernization that has occurred in Saudi Arabia over the last half century, the traditional extended family - parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins and grand and great grand parents still form the basic unit of the society. Within the extended family, traditional respect for age, gender roles of men outside the home as providers and women in the dominant role inside the home are changing but still intact. The influence of the extended family thus carries over into social life, business and politics. Socially, the Saudis still tend to socialize, marry, and conduct business together.

A major reason for the resilience of the traditional extended family structure is the extraordinary strength of traditional Islamic social, economic and political values. Although behavioral patterns have changed with mind-numbing speed, these basic values are deeply held and are not likely to change rapidly over time.

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